Training- Workshop for Grades 2 and 3  Teachers on Beginning Reading

The Training-Workshop for Grades 2 and 3 Teachers on Beginning Reading is aimed at providing untrained Key Stage 1 reading teachers a wide array of strategies to be used in reaching beginning reading among their pupils.


The three-day training-workshop started on November 16, 2022 with an Opening Program. The training proper followed with sessions on Introduction to Early Grade Reading and the Importance of Reading Instruction facilitated by Cyril F. Delavin, EPS- English,  Revisiting Read Aloud and Phonological Awareness facilitated by Sophia M. Salvacion , Principal I of Enrique Legaspi Sr. Elementary School, and Phonemic Awareness facilitated by Jomacris R. Romano. These topics were discussed on Day 1 to lay the foundation for the topics for Day 2 as they are the prerequisite skills needed for the second set of topics which included Phonics which was discussed by Cyril F. Delavin, Alphabet Knowledge which was discussed by Janet Loyola- Danao, Principal I of Batuhan East Elementary School, Word Recognition by Cyril F. Delavin, and Phrase and Sentence Reading with Comprehension which was discussed by Jomacris R. Romano, Principal I of Electo T. Verano Elementary School. The sequence and presentation of topics follow the principle that reading should be taught in a systematic and explicit way. After the topics on the first two days, the participants were ready for more complex reading skills such as Story Reading with Comprehension which was discussed by Sophia M. Salvacion and Fluency which was discussed by Janet Loyola-Danao. Sessions on Alphabet Knowledge, Word Recognition, Phrase and Sentence Reading with Comprehension, and Story Reading with Comprehension, video lessons were shown so that the participants will have a clear vision of how the lessons on these domains are delivered. Materials used in the video lessons were given to the participants as they deliver the lessons themselves in the plenary. The afternoon session on Writing and Composing facilitated by Sophia M. Salvacion was given with writing as an offshoot of reading. Strategies on teaching and giving simple writing exercises were given. Participants were asked to compose different types of written outputs based on a reading activity that they underwent.


The interactive learning activities facilitated by the able discussants resulted to engaged participants. The training- workshop ended with the Closing Program on the afternoon of November 18, 2022.